Saturday, February 13, 2010

Up Close & Personal

Dear Tuxedo Black Cashmere Pink - week ending Feb 12

It’s been some time since I drifted off to sleep prior to the clock striking twelve. My need for little sleep baffles my friends. Perhaps they think I am different, maybe slightly off centre (which I probably am anyway)…but who cares if I only need 6 hours sleep a night – I still function. Anyway all this sleep talk is funnily enough making me sleepy so I am going to cut to the chase. Whilst attempting to shut my eyes prior to some ungodly hour, my mind always seems to race with various thoughts. So here’s a new post idea for Tuxedo Black Cashmere Pink….it’s time you got up close and personal with me.

At the end of every week I am going to summarise my week just been. My likes, pet hates, achievements, mistakes (boy, these seem to be happening so much lately) and anything else I want to get off my chest.

So here goes nothing / everything…..

Hating - Facebook;
If I see one more person post their status as ‘Friday’ when it is in fact Friday I am going to one, write to them saying – Thank you very much for pointing out what day it actually is as I had absolutely no idea. I feel much more intelligent for reading that. Two, delete as friend - immediately, to prevent further day status'.

Didn’t proof read my message (to a potential new flame) prior to sending. How could I mistake writing ‘Bump’ for ‘Pump’? The message suddenly became offensively sexy and I don’t even like him….oh god why did you make me so silly!?

Achievements; none so far. Wow, inspiring…

What I love this week;
Mum! She wrote me a goodnight message and called me angel. It made me smile.

This week I thought about a friend that I hadn’t spoken to for a while, a friend that once meant the world to me. I wonder what he is up to these days.

A woman that I work with said to me - 'The more you know. The more you know'. Isn't that saying just awesome!?

Lastly the pic above is from Tallow and Graham, a store filled with marvelous things. The snap was taken on my way to work. I took it because, well, I just luuurrrvvvve that store. Thank-you Tallow and Graham for making my walk to work so pretty!

So, what drives you mad? Achieved anything this week? Embarrassed yourself in front of an admirer? Come on spill the beans….I wanna know!


  1. I have my own blog style its something i can draw, colour, write. Its called 365.

    Everyday I write what inspired me, touched me, annoyed me, played on my mind. Your blog is todays page. Sunday after Ichi Ni...who am I Farren? haha


Oh my, you're leaving a comment. That means you've read my blog. I'm touched! Tuxedo x