Friday, March 5, 2010

Up Close & Personal - Vol 4

Dear Tuxedo Black Cashmere Pink - week ending March 5 (hello March - how are you?)

This week my anxiety levels have been through the roof, quite possibly I am on the verge of a nervous break down. You see I fear that its this section of my blog - Up Close & Personal - is causing this anxiety as the mounting pressure of coming up with something personal is taking its toll. But for the sake of my three loyal followers (two best mates and mum), I plan to put these slightly exaggerated anxiety levels aside and get on with the show.

This week I thought about previous posts, in particular 'A Man in Need of an Education'. With the concern that this post potentially could provoke a sense of disdain with the opposite of sex here is a post reflecting the fun /quirky first catch ups (or first dates whatever) I have had recently.

1. I loved this one - a man with about seven years on me, asked me out (via text) for a Bubble o Bill. HA! I mean, I didn't think these still existed - I haven't had one since I was four. Anyway back to the story - my ice-cream friend and I walked along street, purchased a Bubble o Bill (for the record I can't stay away from Monaco Bars so I went without his chosen ice-cream) and chatted until our ice-creams were finished. It was completely hilarious and great at the same time. Sadly he choked on Bill's nose so I haven't seen him since....

2. One boy attempted to sweep me off my feet by taking me to Nobu, ordering everything decedent on the menu that came with a hefty price tag. With him trying to educate me on food (oh no you don't - I totally pride myself on my food knowledge) things didn't really turn out so good. What a cheese ball I thought! But this cheese ball did teach me something (warning - completely corny but so cool at the same time) he told me to put a teaspoon of caviar in the webbing of fingers from thumb to index, then lick it and have a sip of my French Champagne. With uncontrollable laughter I did it and to my shock horror the taste was completely and utterly unbelievable. The two seem to get on like a house on fire in my mouth. This date still makes me laugh!!

3. Another guy asked my out for pancakes, yes pancakes. So on a Sunday we met at Richmond Hill Cafe & Larder and had, yep you guessed it, pancakes. I loved this date the most but I think sadly the huge hangover I had from the night before must have killed this romance as I never heard from him again.

Now over to you - if you have had a funny date , spill it!


  1. Once i went out with a guy who fell down the stairs and pretneded he was fine. later i found out from a mate that he had seriously twisted his ankle. i couldn't help but laugh

  2. I once went on a blind date and the guy turned out to be verging on elderly...
    Had my make-up done and all. What a flop. Had to tell grandpa to go home the moment he turned up

  3. Went out with a guy who was allergic to wine (I know, who the fuck is allergic to wine!?).
    After prompting him to ‘just have a taste’ of the fine bottle of Pinot I’d brought with me to accompany our dvd sesh at his place, he polished off a whole glass.
    See! No one is really allergic to wine... ummm… wrong!
    It became evident about an hour later when we had retired to the bedroom, that he was having difficulty breathing (unfortunately my sexual innuendo was not the cause of his shortened breath).
    He was in fact, having an anaphylactic reaction.

  4. My flattie went on a date with a dude who pulled out a pre-written Hallmark card in a sealed envelope at the end - thanking her for a lovely night....


Oh my, you're leaving a comment. That means you've read my blog. I'm touched! Tuxedo x